February Music Composition Challenge

February Composition Challenge: Unlikely Lovers

Update: This challenge is now closed. Watch a selection of entries in this video: 


Since St. Valentine’s Day is this month, the theme for the challenge is love (in whatever way, shape or form you choose to interpret the concept):

    1. Write a duet for a pair of instruments that are not normally associated with each other. There are no restrictions to which instruments you choose except that they are not a standard duo (so no Piano and Violin, or Harp and Flute for example; hence the name “Unlikely Lovers”).

    2. The piece must begin with both instruments playing together their lowest possible note. Whatever comes next is up to your imagination.

Duration: Aim at a minimum of 1 minute

Style: Anything you like

Deadline: 5th March, 2018


Send links to the score and audio by email (matt@schoolofcomposition.com) or share them on our Facebook community with the tag: #feb_composition_2018

At the end of the challenge, we pick and discuss some of the most interesting entries. Good luck and Have fun!


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